Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Project: Humanity

The idea of starting this photo project has been torturous... so many opinions, consequences, and risks. I decided today to just jump in and see what happens. You can witness the horror for yourself, with the supplied link below. It's not for vanity. It's not for people to criticize or compliment. It's for the part of me that is missing... the sheltered and beaten child inside that wants to be free. This project is for me. Simply me. Already I feel the panic setting in... but in a way, this first step feels liberating. Thank you, to all of my readers, for your support and understanding throughout the years. Day 1 has begun... there's no turning back now.

My Flickr Photostream


  1. IAm soooooo happy and excited that you choose to o forward with this project and Iam excited to give you suppost and help you along...dont think ever that no one is listening because Iam and eventually others will probably follow.I will be here here.NOt always right away.I have a crap load of kids to care for but I will always make time to see you through your project no matter how long it takes.:)

  2. PS Im unsure of how to manuver flicr so it may take me awhile to figure out how it works... Ill get back with you soon:)

  3. I have so much to say but my computer is on the blink the keys on my keyboard are sticking Nd everything is gibberish this sux! I'm writing from my phone now which is about to get turned off I can't afford it I will be switching to a home phone but wanted you to know in case it takes me awhile to comment or reply that I didn't forget about you. You journey is important to me to and even if I don't get to reply right away I'm still here cheering u on!!! And hopefully you'll post more pics soon don't let the choir make u doubt yourself! Your doing so well and I'm proud Of you keep posting I will be back soon.

    1. Thank you, Shinynoni... I am touched that you thought of me and let me know about your technical difficulties. It sucks when computers go wonky and you must cancel other services. Even if you disappear for awhile and can't visit or comment, I will not feel abandoned... I have no doubts you will return when possible. Thank you for everything you have done to support me... it has been a huge blessing. I wish you well and peace, and know that I will continue pressing on. Until we meet again...
