Monday, October 15, 2012

Backyard Mechanic

It doesn't matter how many different vehicles you bring over to jump start your car... it will never work. Your car will not start. It's not the battery... it's your starter. It has a faulty solenoid. Take a flat-head screwdriver and bypass the solenoid by touching the two terminal posts... your car will start, I assure you. After conformation, remove your starter and replace the solenoid... you'll be back on the road in no time. I apologize for watching you from my window for the past few days... I could have helped you and saved you much time and effort. I just couldn't. I couldn't stand the thought of talking with someone new. I couldn't break the chains of insecurity and anxiety. All I could do was watch and hope you'd find the answers you were seeking. The fear is crippling... much like your solenoid.