Saturday, March 17, 2012

Inbetween The Lines

Context. Tonight I've chosen to retouch on my previous entry a little bit... here, there, and everywhere. We thought it might be helpful to press pause and explain a few things... perhaps beneficial, then again, it could be meaningless dribble infecting the ears of those already in the loop. In here, my mind and this blog, things can come across very harsh... at times very vague in their true meaning, but also very descriptive and colorful. At times, some of the words I choose can be very intense and perhaps offensive to some of the readers... comments about incest, abuse, addiction, cannibalism, and rape. Why do I choose to use such imagery... is it purely for a shock value? No. These images and subjects are powerful... that's the whole point. Have you ever raped someone or perhaps been raped yourself? Think about it... either offense will change your life forever. These words have value and the ability to strike someone at their core... ripping through their defenses and rattling their soul in unspeakable ways. In here, I discuss things that are not only powerful and thought provoking, but also things about myself and my experiences... in a pursuit of redemption and healing. I'm not openly confessing to anything, for several reasons obviously, but by laying the pieces out there and leaving the conclusion to you, the readers... it helps me just the same, theoretically that is, as if it was an open confession. So I'm not about to bluntly state that I've, in fact, raped or eaten a person for example, but I'm not going to hide the things that have been done to me. Yes, I've been raped and tortured by someone that had power and authority over me... so I have a reason behind using such imagery. It's real and it's raw... words are powerful, like actions and experiences.

Some might be wondering why I chose death as the one thing I would choose to do if I could do anything without cost... what does death cost? Is it just the financial burden it places on those after one dies or is it about the cost of the unsettled emotions among friends and family? Neither actually. I have a firm belief that life here on this plane is filled with purpose. We are here to learn and grow as spiritual beings, despite what some believe. No, I'm not talking about church and Jesus and the religious bullshit that is pumped into people's heads... I am speaking about spiritual growth, which has nothing to do with religion. Religion was made by man as a means to control other men with fear and guilt... don't do this and that or God is gonna fucking spank you and throw you into a lake of fire for all eternity. Seeing how the point of life is to learn and grow, there is also a cost to killing yourself before your time to leave this place. The cost is coming back to relearn those lessons that you tried to skip... there are no shortcuts in life, all things are earned. So why would I kill myself to release all this pain, misery, guilt, remorse, and suffering if I'm just going to come right back in another life to relive all this shit again until I learn what I'm supposed to learn? It's a very complex thought of life... the very thing I could be here to learn, is how to discover closure and growth from all of these terrible experiences. Or perhaps it's a dharmic life, where these experiences of mine are supposed to teach someone else or offer them some type of healing. Either way, it's best to finish the course and dig deep for the strength and courage to fight on and on... death will come at it's time and there is no point in meeting it sooner. If I could do anything, without cost or repercussion, it would be to die... with no fear of coming back to relive this nightmare I've been fighting through for so many years. I could skip it, put it all behind me and move on the the next lessons of life. It's a good choice, but merely a fantasy... there is always a price. What are you willing to pay?


  1. Everytime i read what you say. it brings me closer to helping me to understand myself better.I have been lost for a long time. Somehow your working through your issues is somehow I feel helping me with my own. Funny huh?

    The fact that you choose to explain that you know the things you say could possibaly be offensive to people, I think shows that you have an incrediable amount of humaness in you. In alot of ways Your blog I see is you reaching to sort through to make sense of all the things that don't make sense, I rather enjoy looking in on your journey. It's real. And in a world soooooooo filled with fake people living fake lives, your realness of your thoughts is really refreshing to me. The fact that you share even in vaguenes a huge deal about yourself. I believe I can read through the context words reading through the lines. I can tell you have gone through much during your life. I know that you struggle daily BUT I see how your striving to get though it and every word you write in this blog is I feel is a step in a good direction. A POSITIVE direction and weather you realize it or not, i think you have the ability to help others.I know your helping not curb your writing to what others think is offensive or not. EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH. The way you need to say it.
    Your openess is so important. I hope you keep writing.

    I have so much more to say having only addressed only part of your's because it's late and can't think now but have more to say on all subjects. Another night then.

    1. Dear Winona-

      Welcome back... we'll leave an open seat for you in the front row. Maybe you can keep Richard from laughing?

      You know, those words you expressed are healing in their own right... hearing that my words could possibly affect someone else in a positive manner is breathtaking. I remember my mother telling me that the truth hurts, it sears away the flesh... usually she would say this after a bout of how stupid, fat, and ugly I was. Nonetheless, the point is... the Truth can be hard to hear and sometimes offend people. I'm not referring to lashing out, I'm speaking about sharing the matters of the heart... I think you understand my point. My humanity is questionable at times... we feel very robotic sometimes and quite honestly, the water can get very murky.

      Any link to redemption or remaining grasp of humanity, I credit to the wonderful people that come here and read along... people like yourself. I don't have a ton of followers or readers, but the ones I do have are simply amazing... each with their own greatness, wonderful qualities, precious words and thoughts. If our words can touch one person, and their words touch another, and so on... think of all the healing that could be accomplished. Not just in our own lives, but in everyone that is strengthened, encouraged, and fighting like a motherfucker to find something beautiful in this world. Thank you again, and I am so glad you have a place to visit, contemplate, and sip some midday tea.

  2. Yeah you Can pretty much just Reserve my seat right up front.Im sure Richard will stop laughing..Im not very funny.I wish I was.......I've Love funny people but seriously just don't posses others to laugh..your posts even though they deal with alot of dark matter always have sparks of humor throughout, I enjoy that. So you may have some issures BUT at least you face them with humor which is good!

    I defnitly believe that one person affects another in a domino effect. Some are good dominos and some are bad dominos.yeah somehow we all touch eachother in way or another....

    by the way...your mother was dead wrong about saying those things to you....she wasnt telling the truth she was saying lies. You didnt deserve any of those things said or done to you by her or anyone I hope you know that.

    I hope Im not boring you with all my comments. I talk alot. I have always talked alot. so be expecting more coments here and there:)

    Hope YOU ALL sleep good:)

    1. There, this one is for you alone... I'll put Richard on your left and Diana on your right. I find it hard to believe that you can't make people laugh... perhaps they just don't grasp delightful humor? I do try to impart a little humor with each entry... but then again, I find horror movies absolutely hilarious, so perhaps it doesn't always stick.

      The things my mother said to me day in and day out, cut deep... in some ways more than the other abuse. To this day, I hate looking in the mirror or having my picture taken... add in the choirs constant affirmations and repeated wordplay, spinning round and round within these walls 24 hrs a day. I thought of a challenge I may offer myself to help overcome this... I will share that in my next post.

      No need to fret, comments are always welcome and encouraged. I will do my best to reply to each one, but forgive me if I miss something... there is a lot of chatter inside my head most of the time. Thank you and be well, Winona. Until we meet again...
