Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Again, It Turns

Here I am again... sitting here in the early morning hours, dying inside. So much has happened so quickly... things I never planned on happening. One became two, and the two divided the group... birthing new pools of ripples and sensations, the agony of confusion and unknowns. As terrified as I am  right now, as lost as I've ever been before... I want this. I need it. The possibility of seeing the dawn that was never promised but always dreamed for... to feel the sun on my flesh and have all of the filth washed away. Richard says it can't happen and he won't allow such a tragedy... but what about what I want? What I need. I found something almost two weeks ago, something unique and precious... the moss covering the earth in delicate fabrics. The things I've always longed for, the possibility of redemption and closure without a brutal sacrifice. The bells are ringing and the platforms are set... the end will give birth and the sins shall be shed. It's a matter of time now... I cower in terror at the thought of air. It is crisp and fresh and the most beautiful torment I've ever witnessed. Wash over my face, over my aching body... release me from this prison and welcome me into the things unknown. Forever.

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