Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Empty Crowd

I've been away... wandering through the fields of feelings. It has become somewhat silent since I started the medication.... Richard is slipping away and The Choir is still, once more. Already I feel such a loss, the despair tearing through my heart and ripping it out of my chest. For the first time, in a long time, I'm all alone. One bitter sweet occurrence is the emergence of emotions... with things quiet inside my head, I'm able to feel all kinds of terrible emotions. Terrible because I can't control the force in which they spew... terrible because I hurt so bad. Tonight was the first night that I actually cried tears... not a dry, reluctant sob, but actual tears flowing down my cheek and running into the sides of my mouth. A few days before I decided to take the medication, I had a breakthrough in my emotional growth... it was unexpected and shocking. I felt a warm sensation burning within my stomach and up into my chest... it was a birthing of positive emotions. Those long awaited feelings had become to awaken inside my heart and opened a never before seen world to me. But now looking with clarity, I know the price of such joyous emotions... nothing is free and without cost. Yes, I felt something unknown... it was love. And now that the voices are slipping away, I can hear my own thoughts and fears as they turn those beautiful emotions into suffering. This my life really better now... feeling what I feel and knowing what I now know? It's different. It's difficult, to say the least. But those moments of happiness and love, when they come, are so moving and earth shaking in my core being. I really don't know. If life remains void as it has been, then perhaps the price is too high. But if offered a chance to dwell in and out of those moments, even for a short while... then perhaps, yes. Indeed yes. Though life may never be liveable... at least I am living now. That's worth something...


  1. Youve come so far in the last month that I started reading your blog. I have to say this entry s so different than your usual dark entries. Youve finally been givin a gift. Finally something drastic happened for you to change. Now its time to start being the an that you want to be. Everyday tell yourself what it is that you wish to accomplish and work every free minute towards accomplishing that goal. Whether it is to quit smoking, or to lose weight, or whatever( I chose those last two because they are generally what people would like to change, they werent intended specifically for you.) Well my friend I will continue to pray for you and wish you the best that life has to offer. Thanks for listening and thanks for sharing such deep parts of your soul. You are a good man. You cried for help and your cry was answered. That is a beautiful, remarkable thing. Peace bro.

    1. Thank you, Always Winning, for your kind words and support. Yes, a lot has happened in the past month. Part of me feels as if my journey and struggle for redemption is partly over... the time of needless, endless suffering is drawing closed. Then I realize that it's not my journey that is over, but rather, it's actually just beginning. In many ways, I feel like a newborn child... learning and experiencing things for the first time. It can be quite terrifying at times. I'm not implying my life is wonderful now or that I don't still deal with guilt and remorse... I think that will be a lifetime struggle for me. I think a quote from one of my favorite songs fit's this situation best: "I was lost, And I'm still lost... But I feel so much better.".
