Sunday, February 26, 2012


There are certain rules to be followed to decipher the messages hidden within... a place for every step, scampering or not, for your hands are not your own. Nothing is as it seems, when the bile spews forth in the dancing rhythms of tongue... stare aimlessly and words unfold themselves in pictures of time. Use your heart to read the words that follow, for your mind holds firmly on the pedestrians...  feel the sorrow and become the violator, for the victim's viewpoint is biased by traditional morality. Explore the limitless scenery and let loose the restraints of your imagination and inhibition... bathe in the lunacy and feast upon the deviant's offerings, forgetting yourself and limitations. There are reasons behind the side-stepping and the words used to express the thoughts and memories... redemption has a price steeper than confession You must become me as I become those that suffered... both sides must be expressed and experienced for growth and healing to occur. To fully understand the concept and impact of murder, you must become the murderer and the murdered.

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