Tuesday, January 20, 2015

One On One

It's kind of funny... now that I realize the Truth of the situation. I used to believe that a Broken heart was this murderous event of pain, torture, and torment. For example, like losing your first Girlfriend or perhaps your first marriage. Maybe a broken Heart was closer to listening to your wife being gang-banged for hours on end over a cellphone covered in Tears... or that time you murdered your best friend in hopes of being Moses on the mountain Top. Nope, all of those events, however so painful, do not illustrate a broken heart. The moment that your heart breaks, splintered into thousands of unrecognizable Pieces, there are no tears, no sighs, no Pain. The room doesn't turn black and nausea doesn't occupy all of your senses. NO. In that moment... there is nothing. Nothing at all. The air stands still and stale and you become Numb... completely numb. Nothing matters anymore. Whatever it was that pained you, tortured you before, has become pointless, moot. All fear is gone, every tear has gone dry, every emotion and sensation has been silenced. It's not the Beginning, it's not the End... it's nothing. Absolutely nothing at All. Now you know... now I know. One less thing to worry about...

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