It's been awhile since you've witnessed the milky dribbling of a time now forgotten... I take you back to the age of innocence and hope. Where I'd wake to face the day with desire and passion... a man yet beaten and forgotten by time. It's pathetic, really, that I believed such vomitus bile and spewed it from my lips... it's no wonder things turned out like they did. It was an invitation for cruelty, malice, and rejection... I can see that clearly now. Here you are, have a good laugh... it's on me, at my expense. No wonder they refused to publish my "work"...
“Grain Of Sand”
In nature’s life, many miles of failure I have passed. ‘Twas a lie birthed in a phantom’s mental demise, that my failures cry. Thus in nature’s life, you live a mirrored lie. A birth of truth was all I asked-instead shuttered out… all I asked.
Have you ever felt the wind from one’s bosom it blew, knowing you’d never live in that heart? Have you ever felt the sand trickle down and off your fingertips- as an hourglass toils with your life? Have you ever had the water of Heaven roll down your back, to soothe the Devil’s flame- only to be left with your tears still not washed away? To grasp the wind and where it came. To hold that sand to stop the time in nature’s life. To stand firm and let Heaven pour down upon you, washing your tears all away. Just dreams they seem. Dreams of the world, life, and love of nature- never to be filled. But out of these dreams, none are greater than the dream to live in love. Not to be conquered alone, but with you. All in a grain of sand…
-Excerpt from T.O.D.
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